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Добавлено: 07.08.2013 12:30

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На волне последнего негатива с мишками решил выложить. Друг снял в Калининграде близ Куршской косы.<br/><br/>

Минутка доброты

Новость http://ngs55.ru/news/more/2220793/<br/><br/>

ДТП Омск

MVI 5147 ДТП Кузовлекский тракт ( Часть-3)<br/>

Эту страну не победить

Landslide Seen in Central China County's Landslide, No Casualty Reported<br/>A landslide occurred Friday in Anhua County of central China's Hunan Province, with no casualty reported as yet. Footages shot by a driver with his mobile device show that the landslide took place at around 09:10 on the G536 Expressway in Anhua, which blocked the traffic and several vehicles had to line up on the highway. Since drivers had parked their vehicles in time, no casualty or damages to vehicles were reported, according to the county government. The highway was shut off for clearing up the rubble, and it is expected that the traffic will resume on Saturday afternoon. More on: http://cctvplus.tv/NewJsp/news.jsp?fileId=347089 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv5DbNpxH8X2eQxJBqEjKQ CCTV+ official website: http://newscontent.cctv.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CCTV/756877521031964 Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewsContentPLUS

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