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Добавлено: 24.08.2013 15:00

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второй вариант развития событий (http://ru-chp.livejournal.com/4041899.html):<br/><br/>

Бердск, воГзал - v2 (после аварии можно не досматривать)

Ice Sheet Destroys Windshield Saab 9-5<br/>An ice sheet flew off the top of an SUV and destroyed my windshield, bent my wiper arm, and damaged my side mirror. Occurred at 8:45AM 12/30/15 on I-495S at Mile 112.8 Car: 2003 Saab 9-5 Aero Wagon If I had braked harder, I could have avoided impact, but it initially appeared the piece was going to fall in front of me. This video is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial player go to: http://www.newsflare.com/video/59722/other/ice-sheet-destroys-windshield-saab-9-5 or email: newsdesk@newsflare.com or call: +44 (0) 8432 895 191

Подарок на НГ прилетел

NAF DESTROYS ANOTHER SET OF ILLEGAL OIL BARGES IN RIVERS STATE<br/>NAF DESTROYS ANOTHER SET OF ILLEGAL OIL BARGES IN RIVERS STATE The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has destroyed another set of illegal oil barges in River States. Two of the latest barges filled with stolen oil were set ablaze by NAF helicopters on armed patrol around Okoromabie and South East of Port Harcourt refinery. The third barge, surrounded by canoes carrying drums, was sited at Onne. While individuals around the barge and canoes fled when fired at, the barge and drums did not explode, indicating the possibility of being empty.

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