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Добавлено: 01.10.2015 14:05

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С 01:35. Россошь.<br/><br/>

В нашу сторону пробан..

ДТП Иркутск 06102016<br/>Трагедия произошла на объездной дороге ленинского района г.Иркутска 06.10.2016


Ridiculous! Step-grandmother crushes girl’s legs tells police she just wanted to frighten the girl<br/>Surveillance footage shows a woman repeatedly crushing a little girl’s legs with a motorcycle in Guangzhou went viral on January 2, 2017. The girl, lying helpless on the ground, was heard crying bitterly, while another girl was attempting to hurl her body away. The female biker was seen repeatedly charging into the victim. The woman in the video instantly came under severe criticism. Netizens appealed to relevant departments to investigate the incident. Earlier today, police arrested the woman and confirmed the actions in the video as true but it was an unintentional incident that the woman just tried to frighten the girl to go home, whom had been taken care of by her father after injured. The suspect, surnamed Chen, lives with her boyfriend surnamed Ye (50-year-old) in Yangjiang, Guangzhou province. The victim is Ye’s 6-year-old granddaughter, fostered by Chen in the renting house. As Chen said, earlier that day she went to find her step-granddaughter with a motorcycle and asked her to go home for lunch, but the girl lying on the ground refused to go. During the incident, she rode the motorcycle towards the girl intending to frighten her but accidently crushed her legs. Soon after, Chen brought the girl back in the house to check the injury and called her father to apologize. Preliminary examination by the forensic shows the girl is suffering slight subcutaneous hemorrhage on both legs. As reported, the girl had been taken care of by her father. Further investigation is underway.

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