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Добавлено: 11.03.2015 12:00

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SUV with Absent Minded Driver Crashes into Truck in East China<br/>A sport utility vehicle (SUV) driven by an absent-minded driver crashed into a truck on Aug 9 in Liyang City, east China's Jiangsu Province. The surveillance video showed that the SUV ran a red light and crashed into a truck turning left at an intersection. The SUV driver suffered minor injuries and was immediately sent to hospital. The truck driver had no injury. "The head of the SUV crashed into the fuel tank on the right side of the truck, and the tank and gas in it then dropped to the ground. The scene was very dangerous at the time," said Ruan Bo from the Liyang Police Department. Police said neither of the drivers were drunk and the accident happened because the SUV driver was looking at his GPS navigation device and did not notice the red light. More on: http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20160820/8030156.shtml#!language=1 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CCTVPlus CCTV+ official website: http://www.cctvplus.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewsContent.CCTVPLUS Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTV_Plus

А бензобак взял, да и не взорвался

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Экономия на лампочках - дело нешуточное


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