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Добавлено: 15.09.2015 17:05

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M53 Lorry Crash<br/>Merseyside Police have issued video footage taken from the cab of an HGV involved in a fatal motorway crash in Wirral as a warning to other drivers. Peter Tootle, 61, of Blacon, Chester, was driving a Volvo lorry which collided with the rear of a stationary car queuing in traffic on the southbound lane of the M53, close to the junction 4 turn-off at Bebington, shunting it into other vehicles, The traffic had been at a standstill while emergency crews dealt with an earlier unrelated collision close to junction 4. Advance warning signs – including advice to reduce speed – were in place following the earlier collision. The video footage shows the moments leading up to and including the moment of impact. The collision resulted in the death of dad and grandad Mark Done, 51.

Много собрал

Martin Kdér - Radek Sladkovský - Škoda 130 LR (+ crash)<br/>Podbrdská Rally Legend 2016 RZ3 Posádka je v pořádku Crew is OK. Here is video without slow motion effect: https://youtu.be/WAXtI__8nDY

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