ДТП на КАД'е

Просмотров: 747
Добавлено: 04.02.2014 21:30

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A police officer was among three people killed during gun battles as police cleared anti-government protesters who have blocked state buildings since November.The violence in Bangkok came as corruption charges were filed against Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.A 52-year-old civilian was also confirmed to be one of the dead after suffering a head injury. Emergency services provided no further details about the third death.At least 60 people from both sides were wounded as 15,000 officers were sent to clear the demonstrations on Tuesday.<br/><br/>

В Таиланде сегодня тоже убивали полицейских на местном "майдане"

У пострадавшеего повреждена шея (с)<br/><br/>

Со второй попытки - успех!

Пешик - киборг кокой-ты.<br/><br/>

Дважды день рождения


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