
Просмотров: 617
Добавлено: 29.06.2015 23:05

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С 00-30<br/><br/>


Лось на новокольцовской трассе<br/>

Лосиный тест пройден!

Drunk/Impaired Driver smashes head-on into oncoming traffic<br/>(For licensing / usage, please contact licensing@viralhog.com) I had just gotten my phone into my hand to call the police when he started veering into the oncoming lane and actually dropped my phone when the accident happened. Everyone seemed to be alright with some injuries. One guy said he felt like his leg was broken, and some of the women had blood dripping down their faces. It was difficult to see the aftermath. The driver of the truck is 21 years old, has a son (that's sad), and was charged with a DUI. The driver of the car was not charged with a DUI. I texted the driver of the car and she said everyone is OK, and she's thankful I captured it on video.

"Оли щит", господа поцоны..

01171635 1303<br/>ДТП Страйк из 4х машин в 16-35 17.01.2017 Екатеринбург, Ленина - Генерльская



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