Зеленое трико

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Добавлено: 12.09.2013 02:30

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Truck driver ignores numerous warnings and gets hit by train<br/>A daydreaming truck driver in the US somehow ignored rows of flashing red lights and the desperate blaring of a train's horn to drive onto tracks and be hit by an oncoming locomotive. The extremely avoidable accident happened at Mountain Iron, in the north of Minnesota on Tuesday, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. State Troopers have released footage shot from the dashcam of a nearby police car as a warning to other motorists. The video starts with the truck stopped a short distance away from the rail crossing with four sets of flashing red lights and a stop sign all clearly in the driver's view. Despite the numerous warning signs the truckie then decides it's a good time to take off and obliviously heads directly into the path of danger. Before the freight train comes into shot its engineer is on the horn, hitting it repeatedly in an ultimately futile effort to get the trucker's attention. The trooper then watches in utter disbelief as the front of the train slams into the truck and pushes it around 400m alongside the tracks. The perfectly placed official then rushes over to check on the drivers of both vehicles. Neither were injured in the crash. The truck driver said he was watching another vehicle and didn't see the train, stop sign flashing lights, rail crossing or hear the horn. "This is a reminder to be aware. Be alert," State Patrol Lieutenant Tiffani Nielson said. "He wasn’t trying to beat the train. He just didn't see it. And railroad crossings aren't very forgiving."

Маленький незаметный состав vs. грузовик

ДТП, мотоциклист с ДПС.<br/>Минское шоссе 17.06.17, ничего не предвещало неприятностей.

Ну очень говорливый


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