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Добавлено: 11.02.2013 17:30

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Fatal furniture tip-over: Kid killed after supermarket locker comes crashing down<br/>A six-year-old boy was killed after a huge, tall and heavy metal locker tipped over outside of a supermarket in northwest China’s Shaanxi province on November 11, 2016. Surveillance footage showed that the kid and his mother was retrieving stuff from a locker when the accident occurred. The six-feet tall locker was placed outside of a supermarket, leaning on the glass wall near the entrance. It is reported that the locker was placed on a slight slope. The locker suddenly lost its balance when the boy and his mother were still standing in front of it and came crashing down onto them. The mother’s legs got trapped underneath the locker, while the child, unable to escape, was completely buried underneath the metal. He died of hemorrhage, while his mother suffered broken bones.



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