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Добавлено: 21.10.2013 22:00

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A baby had a miracle escape after his dad's car careered on its roof<br/>A baby had a miracle escape when his dad's car careered on its roof across a motorway inches from a lorry - all captured on dashboard camera. In a scene straight out of a Hollywood movie, the four-month-old tot was in a baby seat when the car flipped over, leaving a trail of sparks as it missed the lorry before hitting another car. The terrifying crash was caught on the dashboard camera of the lorry it missed - but as the driver witnessed the M5 carnage. The shocked driver pulled over to find the baby had survived with his parents upside down in the front seats. The dashcam drama was released by haulage firm Owens Group, based in Llanelli, South Wales, today after the incredible crash on the M5 in the Midlands. For usage rights email videos@walesnews.com or call 029 20 668911


Полиция избивает мирных жителей Вешняков<br/>Жители района Вешняки вышли на тротуар против незаконного строительства Хорды. Строитель перегородили часть тротуара бетонными блоками, чтобы организовать незаконный въезд строительной техники на зелёный бульвар. Жители вынуждены теперь обходить 3м по проезжей части. Полиция избивает мирных жителей, протестующих против беззакония строителей, которых поддерживает правительство Москвы

Полиция избивает мирных жителей Вешняков (с) автор Ирина Зубарева

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В Одессе шторм


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