Снег шел с 12 часов утра. Завалило все. Чтобы не застрять выехал с работы попожжей, примерно в 21.00.Домой попал в 01.00. Итого 16 км за 4 часа. На усмотрение модераторов. Вроди такого ж небыло. НАдеюсь права ни у кого не отберут за езду по встречке. Не судите строго, первый раз же!<br/><br/>
COURTESY 'MILWAUKEE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT<br/>A Milwaukee woman is facing felony charges for backing a car into two officers and her passenger while trying to run away, local tv network WDJT-TV reported.
Dashcam video starts with officers questioning Kelvina Freeman, 23, from Milwaukee during a traffic stop for speeding.
Police told WDJT-TV that they were going to tow Freeman's car after they discovered she was driving with a suspended licence.
According to police, Freeman then put the car in reverse while both front doors were open, pushing over two officers and Freeman's passenger.
The car then slams into the police cruiser and speeds off.
The passenger who was hit suffered a leg injury but both officers were unharmed.