Нефтезаводская Энтузиастов

Просмотров: 547
Добавлено: 25.06.2014 17:00

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В Краснодаре в районе улицы Пригородной утки устроили дтп из нескольких машин. Вот что бывает, когда переходишь дорогу не по светофору))))<br/><br/>

Утки устроили дтп

И внезапно выдал.. Смотреть, наверное, лучше с 0:55. Ибо там стоит ОН.<br/><br/>

Тошнил себе спокойно..

Hit and run, Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham<br/>Police investigating a hit-and-run have released CCTV footage after a teenage girl was knocked over on Bromsgrove Street in Birmingham last month. The 17-year-old was walking down the road with her mum following a shopping trip at around 6.30pm on Saturday 28 January. A car mounted the pavement and hit her before driving off. The teenager was taken to hospital in a serious condition and continues to recover from her injuries. Officers want to trace the car described as a dark coloured BMW 5 series and are appealing for anyone with information to get in touch. PC Mark Nicholson from the force traffic unit, said: “A teenager suffered serious neck and head injuries and is still in shock from what happened. “I would urge anyone with information to call us and I want to appeal directly to the driver to do the right thing and come forward." Anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting log 1941 28/1

Шла себе с мамой по улице


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