Трасса Дон, моя Супруга и пешеход<br/>Случилось это на трассе дон 263 км. На видео видно, как цыгане на приоре с липецкими номерами гонят по обочине, распихивает всех и бьет мою супругу на шкоде йети, машина под списание, потом сделаю видео из фото.
Burglar ploughs into queuing traffic in botched getaway<br/>CCTV footage from a busy Birmingham road shows the dramatic moment a burglar’s botched bid to outrun police came unstuck in a traffic jam.
Martin Tolan was behind the wheel of a stolen Mini convertible in Bristol Road when he careered into traffic waiting at lights – he’s soon surrounded by West Midlands Police officers who use batons to smash its windows and arrest him.
On 27 July 2017, Tolan appeared at Birmingham Crown Court and was jailed for 9 years and 11 months.
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