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Добавлено: 18.05.2014 22:30

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Выезд из Екб, реношнику стоит знак тока направо и уступи дорогу. К счастью пострадали только нервные клетки.с 0:30<br/><br/>

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С 02:45<br/><br/>


Крузак<br/>Автор: Сергей Комаров Исходник: https://vk.com/video3459545_172233395?list=9311f01ae88ebfefa6

Крузак сбил пешехода

Shocking footage: Police shoot vehicle, catch oil thieves<br/>Surveillance video shows a van driving into a tollgate in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality. Catching sight of the police car, the van hastily went into reverse and crashed to the car behind it. A police officer pulled out a pistol and verbally warned the driver to stop, before shooting the front tire of the van, successfully stopping it and catching the man. It was discovered that the driver was an oil thief who has been stealing oil from trucks stopping at the tollgate for some time. Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://goo.gl/lP12gA Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8 Download for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvnewschina Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTVNEWS Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CCTVNEWSbeijing Tumblr: http://cctvnews.tumblr.com/ Weibo: http://weibo.com/cctvnewsbeijing

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