Как-то банально фокус вышел, ни разу не по Копперфильдовски ;)Водитель Ford FOCUSа не верно оценил дистанцию до впереди-идущей машины,и уворачиваясь от столкновения высокчил на полосу встречного движения,где и произвёл столкновение с ВАЗ-2112, двигающемся во встречном направлении.Недалеко от Новокузнецка.<br/><br/>
FULL Dash cam Video Of Wild High speed chase by Tennessee Highway Patrol In Chattanooga on I-75<br/>2016 The Tennessee Highway Patrol has released video from the troopers chasing Cordarius Caldwell along I 24 and 75 last month. Caldwell actually fled police in Nashville the night before as they tried to arrest him for aggravated rape. The chase resumed the next day on February 24th at the Tennessee- Georgia line on I-24. Caldwell weaved through rush hour traffic through downtown Chattanooga, before troopers finally spun him at the East Brainerd Road exit. The video shows many high speed collisions, including a trooper who went airborne trying to keep from hitting a car.
And eventually the spin and arrest of Caldwell.