Я на него давно подписался, сам не знаю почему. Немного все его сюжеты не дотягивали до полноценного поста, но тут вот у него за последние дни несколько местных сценок достойных просмотра. Созрел, в общем, он для ру_чп:))<br/><br/>
Footage: Police rescue three elephants trapped in hilltop pond<br/>Forestry police in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Tuesday rescued three wild Asian elephants that had been trapped in a hilltop pond for two days.
The police rushed to the site after receiving a report from villagers on Sunday, only to find the three animals, two adults and one baby, struggling in the five-meter-deep concrete pond. Meanwhile, several other elephants gathered alongside the water. The rescuers had to postpone their operation until Monday due to heavy rain and the threat of attack from the other elephants. After accessing the area with the help of helicopters and drones, the police decided to drive away the other elephants with firecrackers before breaking open one side of the pond to release the water and free the stranded trio.
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