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Добавлено: 23.11.2014 15:30

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ДТП в Ангарске 15.01.2016<br/>

ДТП в Ангарске

12ft Reticulated Python yawns during TV show<br/>My daughter and Cher watching TV together. **Disclaimer** My daughter is perfectly safe. Interaction with any animal and child must always be supervised. No, it is not sizing her up. That is a stupid myth. So is the yawning before they eat. Absolute rubbish. Neither snakes have any desire to bite or eat us. Do you know what this snake loves to eat? Rats. She loves rats. Won't eat anything else. For the love of god I have tried rabbit but she is a really fussy madam. She just eats defrosted rats. No we have never been bitten. These are tame (by dictionary definition), captive bred, pet snakes. They have been handled nearly everyday - multiple times a day since they were babies. There are more dangerous issues with other animals such as dogs and horses to children than non-venomous snakes. Snakes, like other animals are also allowed to 'yawn'. “This video is being represented by LADBible Group. To use or license this video please email licensing@theladbiblegroup.com”

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