Происшествие в Кизляре

Просмотров: 1516
Добавлено: 17.12.2013 13:30

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Тэги: ru_chp

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Похожее видео

С начала и до конца<br/><br/>


На усмотрение. Из машины дорожного патрульного из Пхалаборвы достали оливкового полоза.ЗЫ. не ядовитая, если чо.<br/><br/>

А тем временем в Лимпопо

Избиение бутлегеров в Якутске<br/>Вчера в пять утра произошел конфликт между парнями которые покупали алкоголь у бутлегеров на 202 мкр.

Избиение бутлегеров в Якутске (с)

Getting hit by a car on my motorcycle, 360 degree view<br/>Due to some confusion about what happened here, here is what law enforcement has told both the driver of the car and I. -The white car turned right and stopped, blocking both the left and the right lanes (2 lanes) of the street turned on to. The driver of the white car fully committed to the left lane and slowed to a stop, then crossed over the white line back into the right lane, which was now occupied by me, the motorcyclist, he (the driver of the car) is being found at fault -watch the gopro version of this video here to see in better detail. https://youtu.be/u1PD8i6YAO8

Нужно больше панорамных хрустов


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