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Добавлено: 12.05.2013 14:00

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Похожее видео

С 0:10. Брянск, ул. Пушкина<br/><br/>

Встреча с авто-леди

Авария Смоленка 07 03 2016<br/>

Сложно придумать более ровное место..

Lady Gets Run Over by Her Own Car at an Intersection<br/>------------Please Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE the video!-------------- At Costco in Burlington, WA 4 pm August 9th, 2016. Lady leaving gas pumps with her cap hanging out. Another car pulled alongside of vehicle and passenger pointed to unsecured gas cap. Light was red so lady gets out of car to screw in gas cap. Forgot to put car in park. As now drivers-less car started to move forward, lady tried to run alongside and jump in but was dragged a few feet and then fell and left rear tire vehicle ran over both her legs. Now keeping that in mind, I can't believe even though having both legs run over by her own car, this tough lady jumped up and dusted herself off insisting she was unhurt and wanted to cross the busy intersection to get her car. Car was pursued through intersection by good Samaritan whose daughter had pointed out the gas cap hanging out. Driver-less car proceeded to jump the curb across the street and run into a tree in front of Starbucks. Good Samaritan managed to save several vehicles from being hit by driver-less car as she chased it through the intersection, even though putting her life in danger. The miracle of the whole incident, is that run over lady jumped up and was more worried about her car, than any injuries sustained to her person. And....the many other car drivers that witnessed this happen, managed to avoid the intersection and allow all this to transpire without further incident. The bottom line is that I got it all on video dash cam. Burlington Police copied my SD card as evidence. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com Forward all media requests relating to your video to our licensing team: licensing@storyful.com

Старенькая уже, тяжело ей


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