Уборщик мусора

Просмотров: 506
Добавлено: 13.01.2016 14:30

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Тэги: ru_chp

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Уверенно шел

A beaver leads a herd of curious cattle in the pasture<br/>On April 14, 2017 Aaron Ivey went to check on his cattle on his ranch near Ituna, Saskatchewan when he noticed his herd of 150 heifers were all crowded around a beaver. Story by Jessika Guse found here: http://cjme.com/article/1227003/most-canadian-thing-ever-beaver-herds-curious-cows Video courtesy of Adrienne Ivey.

Такое ощущение, что за мной постоянно кто-то следит

Muskogee officer involved shooting<br/>Muskogee police released video of an officer shooting a knife-wielding man.

Шона Эллиса долго уговаривали произвести дропзенайф


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