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Просмотров: 548
Добавлено: 17.12.2015 17:30

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FOX ATTACKS DRIVER TOPSHAM, MAINE<br/>For licensing or usage, contact licensing@viralhog.com Rabid fox attacks our truck driver on the early Morning of June 13,2017. The fox chases driver off screen. The driver makes it to his truck and jumps in. Fox met his demise that same day roughly 12 hours later by another employee who ran him over with his tractor trailer. This yard is in a village area of Topsham Maine. There is a preschool up the hill/driveway. Everyone was notified by me via Facebook and going directly to the schools. We now await testing of the fox. The driver is doing well. He is receiving a series of painful injections to the site of the bite, his leg.

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