С 0:20Павел Т. пишет на почту: "Видно как на переходе выскакивает мужик и тыкается боком в стоящий серебристый мерин. Потом он ковыляет держась за руку к черной машине. На светофоре они догоняют автора и пытаются развести мерин. Микроавтобус явно в сговоре. Т.к. сразу садится на хвост мерину. После общения с водителем они уезжают вместе".<br/><br/>
Garbage collector survives after behind smacked by truck<br/>A sanitation worker miraculously survived after being hit by a truck while he was working at a street in Chuzhou city in east China's Anhui Province on Saturday. Surveillance camera footage from the intersection shows that the man was picking up trash when a dump truck rushed towards him. He took a few steps back, but was unable to avoid being hit. The force of the crash sent him tumbling to the ground, while the truck skidded and toppled over. Fortunately, both he and the truck driver have survived, only suffering minor injuries.
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