Что-то личное к Почте России

Просмотров: 456
Добавлено: 03.11.2015 11:30

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Борис Степанов - самый эффективный активист из тех, что я встречал!

Snake Regurgitates Live Snake<br/>* To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com My wife and I were leaving my mother's when I caught a glimpse of this snake while I drove past it. I stopped and backed up to take some photographs. Nina mentioned I should take some video. I am happy I did. Apologies for the motor noise. I was using a Canon EOS DSLR, and I had an aftermarket lens on. If you are interested in my other content you can check out my work at https://www.instagram.com/christopher_denmon/?hl=en Thanks for all of the support

То чувство, когда попало не в то горло.


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