
Просмотров: 512
Добавлено: 10.04.2015 15:30

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Panic at Manchester Arena as Concertgoers Flee<br/>Courtesy of Twitter/jordankenney69 This video has been uploaded for use by Storyful's subscription clients with the permission of the content owner. To obtain a Storyful subscription, contact sales@storyful.com. See and search Storyful Licensed Videos here: https://licensed.storyful.com/videos?page=1 There was panic at the Manchester Arena as concertgoers rushed to get out following an explosion late on May 22. Police said the blast caused a number of fatalities just after an Ariana Grande show, the BBC and others reported. Trains to and from Manchester Victoria station were suspended, according to National Rail. The explosion was said to have occurred in the foyer of the arena.

На стадионе «Манчестер Арена» прогремел взрыв


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