
Просмотров: 604
Добавлено: 30.06.2014 11:00

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Raw Chopper Video Shows Wild Miami Police Chase<br/>** Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/5clm0J ** City of Miami Police and Miami-Dade Police have detained a man with the help of K-9s after a dangerous high-speed chase in a residential area of Northwest Miami-Dade. The chase ended on Northwest 119th Street and 11th Avenue after K-9 units helped subdue the man, at around 1:45 p.m., Friday. The driver, who fled police for an unknown reason, surrendered only after crashing into a dumpster and then reversing the car and ramming it into a police cruiser. Two police K-9 officers had to drag the man out of the red Mercury Grand Marquis from the passenger side of the car after that final crash. The chase reportedly began in Downtown Miami and continued north through residential streets before it came to its conclusion.

Небольшое количество полицейских и собачки К-9 против голого афроамериканца


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