Последние новости, чп, происшествия, аварии, дтп
Просмотров: 772 Добавлено: 05.09.2011 09:09
Ссылка и код вставки:
Рейтинг: 0
Аварии, происшествия
ДТП с мотоциклистом на Ленинградке
дтп на 50 лет Октября (р-он торгового)
ДТП с машиной ДПС
fast way to get out of your car
no seatbelt... Genius!
Lada again!
Seat belt fail
Erm, I don't think it was a man catapulted out of his car... he's still in the car! Watch carefully, you will see it's just the windscreen glass that flew out, not a man...
что вылетело???
Комментарий на это видео:
fast way to get out of your car
no seatbelt... Genius!
Lada again!
Seat belt fail
Erm, I don't think it was a man catapulted out of his car... he's
still in the car!
Watch carefully, you will see it's just the windscreen glass that
flew out, not a man...
что вылетело???