unfortunately this is basically the same reason i got into a
accident years ago, yes it was my fault, lady started to go,
open road and stopped for whatever reason and i was looking
oncoming lanes and tapped her, no damage so no problem. but
basically let that be a lesson to anyone. keep a eye on the car
front of you until it has entered the intersection then look to
if you can go and go when safe to do so.
А кто из них Ученик???
unfortunately this is basically the same reason i got into a
accident years ago, yes it was my fault, lady started to go, wide
open road and stopped for whatever reason and i was looking into
oncoming lanes and tapped her, no damage so no problem. but
basically let that be a lesson to anyone. keep a eye on the car in
front of you until it has entered the intersection then look to see
if you can go and go when safe to do so.