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Добавлено: 16.02.2014 23:30

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Там, где 6 трупов.22 февраля 691км трасссы М53, Водытэл на втомобиль Газэл совершая обгон не успел закончить маневр, испугавшись резко дернув руль опракинул тс на правый бок, и на полном ходу врезавшись в автомобиль мерседес который ехал примерно 80-90 км в ч,Смотреть с 4:40<br/><br/>

Авария на М-53, новые кадры

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Необычный ролик

Flame Throwing Drone Helps Remove Net on UHV Power Line<br/>When faced with certain objects twining round an ultra high voltage (UHV) power line, workers no longer need to climb a high ladder to remove it any longer, drones can now be used to do the dangerous deed. Maintenance workers in Xianniang City in central China's Hubei Province demonstrated the removal of a 12-meter long nylon net entwining around a UHV with a flame-throwing drone on Tuesday. "In the morning, our inspector found a foreign matter on the line. Through investigation, the nylon net was brought by strong wind, and severely affected the line’s safe operation. We’ll use a drone to deal with the emergency to ensure safety," said Feng Qi, head of Xianning power line maintenance station, Hubei power transmission and transformation project company. Workers flew the flame-throwing drone towards the net, spitting fire at about four to five meters away from the nylon net and burnt it to the ground. In ten minutes, the power line resumed its normal operation. More on: http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20170222/8043739.shtml#!language=1 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CCTVPlus CCTV+ official website: http://www.cctvplus.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewsContent.CCTVPLUS Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTV_Plus

"А мы монтажники - высотники, и с высоты вам шлем привет" (с)


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