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Добавлено: 26.05.2014 16:00

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Officer Resigns Over Excessive Force Incident<br/>► Subscribe to PoliceCenter: https://goo.gl/jR7Abo ** Metro Police officer Jairus Warren has resigned after he was captured on surveillance camera beating a homeless man with a baton. The altercation started after Warren and another officer asked the man to leave. They say: "He was combative and was not cooperative..." Video then shows the man stand up quickly and approach officer Warren, at which point Warren takes out his baton and repeatedly hits the man. An internal investigation was launched which determined officer Warren should be fired for use of excessive force. Yesterday morning he resigned. _ (Video posted strictly for educational and informational purposes) Police Center is your source for police related news and events. Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/policecenter Our Website: http://thepolicecenter.com

Здравствуй, бездомный негр. Сладких снов.

Wildschwein rast durch Walldorfer Fitness-Studio!<br/>Buchstäblich mit dem Kopf durch die (Glas-)Wand will in der Nacht zum Montag (19.12.2016) ein rasender Eber. Das Tier durchbricht die Tür eines Fitness-Centers in Walldorf und irrt im Studio umher! Zum Artikel mit Fotostrecke: http://bit.ly/2hQD6JM

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