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Добавлено: 22.11.2013 13:00

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Оба хороши

Man miraculously survives after being run over by truck<br/>A camera on a car’s dashboard recorded a dramatic accident in Nanling county in central China’s Anhui Province recently. The footage shows a motorcyclist driving on the icy road slipping and falling to the ground. The man barely had any time to recover, when a truck raced ahead running over him. Fortunately, the man survived the crash, losing just one finger. Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVNEWSbeijing Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8 Download for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvnewschina Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTVNEWS Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CCTVNEWSbeijing Tumblr: http://cctvnews.tumblr.com/ Weibo: http://weibo.com/cctvnewsbeijing

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Как соблюсти ПДД и попасть в ДТП.<br/>

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дтп на трассе м4 лось<br/>авария минск могилев м4 (Березино)

"Хорошо, что не 140" (с)


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