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Добавлено: 21.08.2013 21:30

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Курице повезло, что не Камаз, а Вольво. Тормозной путь у тягача на зависть.<br/><br/>

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Drink Driver Ploughs Through Shop<br/>Dramatic footage of the moment a 79-year-old drink driver ploughs through a shop window into a young child has been released by police. The incident took place on 29 May 2016 at Landside Wine Stores on Chestnut Drive South in Leigh. The terrifying footage shows a six-year-old boy picking some sweets when, seconds later, a car smashes through the front window into the child. The driver then tries to reverse, causing more of the shop to collapse on top of the car. The boy’s family can be seen frantically trying to get to their son. Miraculously the young boy escaped with only cuts and bruises. A 79-year-old woman today, Wednesday 15 June, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a sample of breath and driving without due care and attention. She was disqualified from driving for three years and given a 50 hours community order and ordered to pay costs of £170. Sergeant John Brennan from GMP’s Road Policing Unit said: “This was a horrific ordeal for the young boy and his family. Thankfully he is alive and well but those terrifying moments will stay with his family forever. “When you choose to drive a car after having a drink, you are also choosing to put other people at risk. This family popped to the shop to buy some sweets yet found themselves caught up in somebody else’s selfish decision to drive while drunk. “We have released this footage to reiterate the dangers of driving under the influence and the devastating impact it can have on other people. Please stick to none for the road if you’re driving. And if you’re having a drink, arrange alternative transport home.” The footage has been released at the half way mark of GMP’s month-long drink and drug drive operation, which sees extra resources working around the clock to coincide with the summer and Euros – a time when celebrations are running high and people may be tempted to drink and drive. Join in the conversation on social media using #nonefortheroad

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