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Добавлено: 17.07.2015 11:05

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Boy Survives Minivan Run Over<br/>A little boy aged one year and a half has recently miraculously survived a near run-over by a minivan without critical injuries in east China's Jiangsu Province. A surveillance video shows the boy playing alone and being knocked over by a minivan in a farm produce wholesale market in Xuzhou, a city in Jiangsu Province. After the accident, the boy tried to crawl out from under the minivan and his parents, who were chatting in the market, rushed over and pulled him out. The accident happened when the boy was playing alone in a blind area of the minivan, according to local traffic police. The boy is short and is about one or two years old. He was playing alone without parental guardian. He slipped one or two meters down a slope after he was knocked down, preventing further damage, according to Zhao Chenghe, a traffic police officer from the Jiuli Traffic Police Station. "Luckily, the road was wet and slippery that day. After he was knocked down, the boy slipped one or two meters down a slope. As a result, the boy was not run over by the minivan's rear wheel. The boy suffered no critical injures, according to the hospital. The boy was not seriously injured. He just had a few scratches," said Zhao. More on:http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20160526/8022379.shtml#!language=1 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CCTVPlus CCTV+ official website: http://www.cctvplus.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewsContent.CCTVPLUS Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewsContentPLUS

Маленький и очень живучий

Lord Nazi Ruso Linchado En Cancun<br/>Confronta multitud a ruso que injuria a mexicanos Cancún Luego de las provocaciones del ruso Aleksei Makeev hacia mexicanos dadas a conocer por las redes sociales, un numeroso grupo de inconformes se apostado esta tarde noche a las afueras del cuarto que renta en la Ruta 4 donde lo enfrentaron. Decenas a personas acudieron luego de que vía redes sociales se realizará una convocatoria donde se dio a conocer el domicilio del denominado #LordNaziRuso. Y es que han causado gran indignación los vídeos difundidos por él mismo en las diversas redes sociales donde insulta y discrimina a los mexicanos. Al sitio arribó la Policía para evitar que se registrarán hechos violentos. Cabe destacar que el sujeto originario de Rusia salió para enfrentarlos al tiempo que los grababa y continuaba provocandolos por lo que éstos lanzaron objetos al sujeto. De manera extraoficial se supo que el sujeto arremetió a machetazos contra un sujeto tras intentar ingresar a su vivienda. Créditos A Inspector Nocturno Por El Vídeo

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