Выражаю искреннюю признательность даме на белом мерседесе. Если бы не ее автомобиль, оставленный ею за 20 минут до аварии, то летчик приземлился бы в мой престижный черный седан марки ниссан. Спасибо, пожалуйста.
Seven killed, dozens injured in kindergarten explosion in eastern China<br/>(Updated 7: 56 p.m. BJT)
At least seven people were killed and 59 others injured in an explosion at a kindergarten in Fengxian County, east China's Jiangsu Province on Thursday afternoon.
The incident happened as children were waiting to be picked up after school.
Two people died at the scene and five died later in hospital.
Nine people are seriously injured.
Local authorities have launched a rescue operation and an investigation into the cause of the blast is underway.
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Don't turn if you can't see what's coming<br/>The speed limit is 40, and while I was going well under, I should have been going 20 or less. We'll see if my rates go up, but I doubt it. My last accident (4 years ago) was not my fault and my rates didn't change.