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Добавлено: 13.08.2015 14:05

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Похожее видео

Сотрудники уголовного розыска ОМВД России по району Новогиреево г. Москвы задержали подозреваемы...<br/>Сотрудники уголовного розыска ОМВД России по району Новогиреево г. Москвы задержали подозреваемых в хищении сбережений у пожилой женщины Источник: https://мвд.рф/Videoarhiv/Operativnoe_video/item/8942365/

Бабушка и крысы

Самара пьяное быдло на автомобиле<br/>

Сил хватило на 20 секунд

Man attacks our officers with a hammer in Crawley<br/>We have released body worn video of a man attacking two officers in Crawley last year. It comes after Jamshid Piruz, 34, unemployed and of no fixed address was today (13 January) sentenced to life at Hove Crown Court for various offences. It stems from a call police received on 7 January 2016 to report a man had been seen acting suspiciously in Stagelands, Langley Green. When officers found Piruz, in nearby Nightingale Close, he was carrying a hammer and hiding in a confined bin area of flats in the close. As the body worn video shows, Piruz confronted officers from where he was hiding, threatening them with the hammer and two Tasers were discharged but proved ineffective. Officers then deliberately withdrew in an effort to create more space so that Piruz could be safely arrested. Unfortunately PC Jessie Chick's route was blocked and she was momentarily isolated. Despite being attacked, she successfully managed to defend herself with her baton before officers were able to return to help. PC Stuart Young was then struck by the hammer on the neck and shoulder before the suspect could be detained and arrested. Although PC Young was taken to hospital following the incident, he fortunately did not suffer any serious injuries and was back at work the following day. Full story here: https://sussex.police.uk/news/video-of-officers-attacked-in-crawley/ #Follow Sussex Police on... Twitter: https://twitter.com/sussex_police Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sussexpoliceforce/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sussexpoliceforce/ Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/sussex_police

Полицейская гиена и Джамшид-молотобоец

Попался Олень на дороге!!! :о<br/>На одной из дорог вблизи г. Бавлы Татарстана

Татарстанский олень


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