Колесишко от татрочки

Просмотров: 528
Добавлено: 10.10.2013 20:00

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Тэги: ru_chp

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Инна Рейзвих и Галина Клебче унижают дрища!!!

Водила на газели задремал!<br/>Сегодня на МКАД водила задремал и снес 7 машин.

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Tesla Model S adaptive cruise control crashes into Van<br/>None of the safety-systems worked correctly: 1. The TACC, active cruise control did not brake as it normally does 2. The collision avoidance system (AEB) did not make an emergency brake 3. The forward collision warning turned on way too late, it was set to normal warning distance 4. The TACC actually was speeding up just before I did hit the brakes Yes, I could have reacted sooner, but when the car slows down correctly 1'000 times, you trust it to do it the next time to. My bad.. In normal operation, the AP slows down as soon as another car puts one wheel on the lines to your lane. The whole front of the car needs to be replaced, including a parking sensor and a steel beam. I was in contact with Tesla Europe, but they could not provide me with any useful information. They just stated that "all systems worked as expected". Well, certainly not how I expected them to work... (don't download or embed this video without my permission)

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