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Добавлено: 15.08.2014 16:00

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Авария с белым ауди. Москва.<br/>Стал свидетелем аварии в Москве. Оставил записку с номером телефона пострадавшему. Когда пострадавший позвонил - прислал ему видео, как стукнули его машину. Будьте осторожнее!

Вот сволочь!

A-26 Invader Nose Gear Collapse On Landing<br/>On Monday, July 25th, the A-26 Invader "Silver Dragon" suffered a nose gear collapse on landing at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016. The crew had already executed a go around after hearing a pop while cycling the gear, and orbited to troubleshoot the problem. Eventually the decision was made to land on runway 36. As the wheels touched down, the nose gear failed and the aircraft slid down the runway on its nose and main gear. As soon as it stopped the crew and passengers evacuated and emergency vehicles reached the scene. To the best of our knowledge no one was injured. Well done by the crew as well as the emergency workers who responded to the incident! For more airshow and aviation videos, photos, and merchandise, check out our website at http://www.AirshowStuff.com Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AirshowStuff Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/AirshowStuff

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'Bam! I got hit by Bambi': Deer runs over B.C. man<br/>Video reports on the latest news. Offering local, national and international news coverage and analysis. My objective is to educate, Inspire and affect Change! For local (Sarasota County), national and international news visit my site at:: www.TheUncensoredReport.com For my other rogue rants, visit my site at www.TheUncensoredReport.com and click on "Uncensored Reports (Rogue Rants)". Visit my original Yotube: youtube.com/thevenicescoop FAIR USE STATEMENT This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Memory Hole (“the site”) is making such material available in an effort to further understanding of political, social, economic, and scientific issues, etc. The site asserts this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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