МКАД 15.02.2013

Просмотров: 779
Добавлено: 15.02.2013 13:00

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Speeding Driver Kills Teenage Boy in East China<br/>A teenager was killed by a speeding driver on March 10 in the city of Fuyang, east China's Anhui Province. The off-road vehicle hit and propelled the teenager at least 40 meters forward, throwing him onto the roadside. The surveillance camera captured the entire fatal incident. Two teenagers were on their way to school, when one was struck and killed by the speeding vehicle, while crossing the road. An instructor of detachment at the traffic police stattion in Yingshang County, Su Zhaokai, said that the man behind the wheel was driving over the speed limit at 108.9 kph. The speed limit of that section of the road is only 60 kph, and this is what caused the accident. More on: http://cctvplus.tv/NewJsp/news.jsp?fileId=347126 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv5DbNpxH8X2eQxJBqEjKQ CCTV+ official website: http://newscontent.cctv.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CCTV/756877521031964 Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewsContentPLUS

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