ГАИ постановило что автомобиль нарушил 8.8 ПДД _ мотоциклист нарушил 9.10. ПДДОБОЮДКА - вывод: водитель мотоцикла располагал технической возможностью остановится до места столкновения с автомобилем.<br/><br/>
Watch: Crowd provides first aid following car crash<br/>In Chuzhou city in central China’s Anhui Province, a car with three infants onboard slipped into the opposite lane, slamming into a coach from the opposite side and overturned along the roadside. Following the accident, several people who were driving on the road pulled over to help. While some helped to coordinate the traffic flow, others pulled out the injured from the car. Luckily, due to the timely rescue, no one was killed. Seven people onboard the two vehicles were slightly injured.
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Пьяный мотоциклист на улицах дальнегорска.<br/>Мотоциклист это конечно громко сказано, На обратном пути они врезались во встречку. http://dalas.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=61900&d=1467499816