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Rear-end Collision between Tricycle, Coach Leaves 1 Dead , 1 Injured in East China<br/>A recent rear-end collision between an unlicensed motor tricycle and a speeding coach left one dead and one injured in Chuzhou City, east China's Anhui Province. The driver of the tricycle made a sudden left turn without warning and a coach that was following behind closely crashed at high speed into its rear. The huge impact of the collision threw the tricycle and its driver and the only passenger into the air, and falling on the ground several meters away. The driver was badly hurt when his head hit the ground. The drive of the coach got out of his vehicle and immediately reported the accident to the local traffic police. When the police arrived at the scene, they found through on-the-scene investigation that tricycle driver, 64, drove an unlicensed vehicle without a driving license, failed to make adequate observation when he tried to turn left, while the driver of the coach followed too closely and failed to slow down in time. Both are held equally responsible for the accident. Unfortunately, the tricycle driver is confirmed dead by the medical staff who came to their rescue. The only passenger who turned out to be his son suffered rib fracture and soft tissue injuries. No passenger in the coach was injured. http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20170723/8056392.shtml#!language=1 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CCTVPlus CCTV+ official website: http://www.cctvplus.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewsContent.CCTVPLUS Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTV_Plus

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