Прокатил жену с ветерком

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Добавлено: 04.03.2014 20:00

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Hudson Police Need Your Help in Bliss beating<br/>Press Release HPD Assault and Shooting Investigation Hudson Police are currently investigating an assault and possible shooting that occurred in the area of Bliss Towers within the City of Hudson. On Thursday, July 13, 2017 at approximately 9:00 p.m., officers responded to the area of North 2nd Street and State Street for a report of shots fired. Officers arrived and learned that an assault occurred in one of the elevators, where it appears 3 men punched and kicked the victim, and unknown heavy set black male who is approximately 30 yrs. old. There was a quantity of blood observed in the elevator and hallway. Following the assault there were numerous shots fired outside the apartment complex. HPD officers found and retrieved evidence of shell casings. It is suspected that the two events were linked, with the gunplay possibly in retaliation for the assault. Currently, HPD has not positively identified the victim or suspects, and have not learned of a person who had suffered a bullet wound stemming from this incident. The incident remains under investigation. We are releasing video footage of the assault in the elevator, and hope the public can assist in the identification of combatants. Anyone with information is asked to call the Hudson Police Detective Division at (518) 828-3388.

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