Серпуховский перекресток продолжает доставлять

Просмотров: 482
Добавлено: 04.07.2014 19:30

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Похожее видео

С 0:40Пьяный водитель ВАЗ 21112 выехал на полосу встречного движения, вследствие чего произошло ДТП. Водитель и пассажирка Функарго получили ушибы, а виновник ДТП лежит в реанимации с переломом таза и ноги.<br/><br/>

йа йищо жывааа пакааааа

Ехал в потоке. Скорость небольшая. Внезапно впереди едущая машина решила пропустить Камаз встав колом. УАЗ за счет больших колес успел отормозиться. Я нет. Оформляться смысла не было, разошлись с миром.<br/><br/>

Пропустили... блин

Повезло<br/>Легковая машина выехала на встречную полосу для обгона, но начало кидать по дороге. Чудом проскочил между двумя грузовиками без последствий.

Повезло МКМ

Collision with pedestrian<br/>The couple thought the lane I was travelling in was on a red like the one to my right therefore did not look. I did my best to stop but due to the recent rain that day the road was damp and slippery as it had not rained for a few weeks. The lady had a bad cut on her head which bled profusely and lost a chunk of skin on her arm about the size of a tennis ball. For this and the fact I have recently had a long chat with the lady who was very apologetic I will not show the remaining footage out of respect. This video is for pedestrians and drivers/riders awareness. The junction is very poor, the hedge would completely block the view of any car driver or rider of a child so I am normally cautious when I ride along here but I have seen car fly through there at at least 50mph. There is no push button system for pedestrian to stop traffic, I was not aware of this neither were the police officers who attended, they have said they will raise this as an issue (other accidents have happened here apparently). Three witness confirmed the couple stepped out and I did what I could to avoid, the police saw the footage and agreed so I was found to be not at fault.

Клаксон - для лохов


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