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Добавлено: 25.04.2013 11:00

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Firefighters Rescue Motorbike Riders from Gravel Dumping in Traffic Crash<br/>Firefighters in east China's Jiangsu Province on Wednesday rescued two motorbike riders from the gravel dumping run off from a truck in a traffic crash. The legs of the riders were buried under the truck's dumper loaded with over ten tons of gravel as they ran a red light, forcing the oncoming truck swerve and fell on its right side. The firefighters shoveled the gravel and used cranes and hydraulic spreaders to pull the dumper parts sticking in the legs. The riders were rescued and sent to hospital after hours of rescue operation. Further investigation into the cause of the accident is still under way. More on: http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20160414/8018686.shtml#!language=1 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv5DbNpxH8X2eQxJBqEjKQ CCTV+ official website: http://newscontent.cctv.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CCTV/756877521031964 Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewsContentPLUS

10 тонн щебня

ДТП скутер Винница<br/>18-ти летний "водитель" скутера не пострадал. Поцарапал мне бампер, помял крыло и царапина на 2 двери. Ни водительских прав, ни регистрации ТС у него не было. Спасибо ABS!

Такой не взрослый, а уже самый шустрый

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"Пожалуй, самая нелепая авария" (с)

ДТП 03.06.2017 Богородское<br/>

Всегда так поворачивает


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