Satanic BDSM Babies Crash Anti-Abortion Protest<br/>In response to a nationwide Planned Parenthood protest on April 23, 2016 members of The Satanic Temple of Detroit crashed the event dressed in bondage fetish wear, baby masks and diapers and engaged in group flagellation. The performers were then painted gold by adoring fetal idolizers. The action was intended to expose fetal idolatry and the perpetuation of fictional, coercive propaganda against the reproductive health organization. The Satanic Temple (TST) believes that the anti-choice movement’s obsession with and mischaracterization of the fetus obscures medical reality and a woman’s constitutional right to choice. Enlarged images of fetuses no larger than an inch and the personalization of mindless, senseless human embryos elevates the fetus to the status of a demigod. The strategy of elevating tiny human embryos and fetuses to a reverence creates a fantasy in which the maternal body is both erased and criminalized.
For more information about The Satanic Temple's reproductive rights campaigns, please visit
28.05.2016 ДТП Новоприозерское шоссе, Ленобласть<br/>Ищу свидетелей ДТП, произошедшего 28 мая 2016, примерно в 21:00 на Новоприозерском шоссе, не доезжая до развилки на Порошкино и корабсельки в сторону города. Неадекват за рулем бежевого фургона Мерседес врезался в зад Opel Zafira синего цвета. Предположительно госномер фургона А599КА10. Его водитель отметился неадекватной ездой до аварии (видел в зеркало заднего вида). И скрылся с места ДТП. Может есть те, у кого осталась видеозапись?