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Добавлено: 31.08.2014 17:00

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Bodycam Shows Cop Rescue Ducklings From Storm Drain<br/>** Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/5clm0J ** Officer Zach Helbach can add “ducking liberator” to his resume after improvising the rescue of 10 baby ducks that fell into a storm sewer Wednesday morning. Police got a call around 9 a.m. from a resident on S. Kestrel Place who heard a mother duck squawking at a sewer and saw the babies were trapped. Officer Helbach was able to reach down and fish out the first seven ducklings with a plastic container. Three others kept swimming, so Zach moved over to a manhole down the street, leaned down in, and fished out the rest. Mom seemed pretty relieved, Helbach said. “Once I got them all out, Mom got ‘em all together and they just walked over to a nearby irrigation canal,” he said.

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