Халк из Нижневартовска

Просмотров: 529
Добавлено: 17.06.2013 21:00

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Это - ад.Смотреть с 03:10.<br/><br/>

С днем рождения, Сергей Репин

Беспредел на борском рынке!<br/>

ЦОП обидел дрыщей-видеоблоГГиров

强拆钩机被多个燃烧瓶攻击后燃烧,司机逃离<br/>约稿: 欢迎把自己对中国相关问题的看法、思考和主张,或是与之有关的个人经历和体验,录成视频,发送给我们,我们上传到YouTube,感兴趣的朋友,请联系:gaok11362@gmail.com。 注:讨论热点话题最好;能定期/不定期连续录制系列话题为好。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 网络视频,建议观众以审慎的态度观看。 Internet video, viewer discretion is advised. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 一个进步的中国,需要你的关注和参与。 本频道各学者专栏上传内容全部获得了作者的书面授权,未经许可,请勿转载。

Отступать некуда, позади Пекин!

Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion In Spearman, Texas (1/17/17)<br/>SPEARMAN, TX (KFDA) - Multiple fire crews battled a fire south of Spearman on Highway 207 after a natural gas pipeline exploded late Monday night in Hansford County. The fire is under control and will burn itself out. No one was without natural gas service and no injuries were reported. The pipeline is part of a gathering station maintained by DCP Midstream. Fire crews and emergency units have left the area as DCP crews monitor the smoldering fire. After the fire burns out and the area cools down DCP crews will repair the line. #nodapl, dapl, standing rock, divest dapl, pipeline protest, renewable energy, fossil fuels, big oil, big banks, nodapl archives,

Хорошо горит!


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