Чё-то ржууу:))

Просмотров: 584
Добавлено: 03.07.2013 14:30

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Polish president Andrzej Duda Nearly accident Cracked tire March 4 2016<br/>Polish president Andrzej Duda - Nearly accident - Cracked tire - March 4 2016

Вчерашнее ДТП с польским президентом

Trestle Fire Mayerthorpe Alberta<br/>The train trestle near Mayerthorpe Alberta, Canada, caught fire April 26 2016. Filmed from the cockpit of a Pipistrel Virus SW aircraft www.pipistrel.ca (fast, economic, excellent photography platform.) This trestle has been standing since the early 1900's. The cause of the fire is unknown at this time. Water bombers were dispatched from Whitecourt (CYZU) airport, as the fire spread from the structure to the surrounding vegetation, approximately 30 minutes after this film was shot. This trestle connects the Alberta industrial towns of Blueridge and Whitecourt to the rest of the Canadian rail system. It is used mainly to transport bulk Lumber products, bulk gravel, and petroleum products. It will definitely take a strong effort to re-connect the rail system in a timely manner to serve the communities once again by rail. The "Little Paddle" river runs under the destroyed trestle, and can occasionally flood heavily. Filmed by Jonas Boll, and his son Ryan Boll (depending on which window the camera was pointed out of)

Очень красивый заграничный пожар

Беспредел ППС<br/>ППС заехали под знак Кирпич на дорогу с односторонним движением без включённых спец сигналов и выехали мне в лобовую на мою полосу движения,хотя соседняя полоса была свободна.

Александр Стебелев и подмосковные ППС-ники

ДТП на МКАД (г.Москва, 30.07.16). См. с 2:20<br/>Смотреть с 2:20



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