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Добавлено: 13.07.2015 17:05

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Беспредел в центре Москвы!<br/>Человека связывают в его же офисе среди белого дня. Полиция бездействует!

Врач-ортодонт против Николая Семеновича

20160414 191050 E<br/>

Все традиционно

Body cam - Clark County Ohio deputy shoots a reporter, 9/4/2017<br/>At the end of Labor Day, September 4, 2017, a Clark County, Ohio sheriff deputy mistook the camera and tripod of a reporter for a weapon. Without warning, the deputy fired two shots at the reporter. The deputy and the reporter know each other. This is the video from the body cam worn by the deputy. Like the shooting of John Crawford in a Beavercreek Walmart store in 2014, an investigation is being handled by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI), and the office of the Ohio Attorney General. Neither the Beavercreek Police nor the Ohio Attorney General would release the store surveillance video prior to the decision of a grand jury. In glaring contrast to the John Crawford murder, the Clark County Sheriff has released this video evidence less than 48 hours after the incident. Two shots are fired near 3:30. Contrary to the actions of Beavercreek Police Officer Sean Williams (John Crawford's murderer), this Clark County deputy takes responsibility. He immediately provides support and an apology to the victim. A spoken driver's license number and a phone number have been redacted from this recording. The victim survived the shooting.

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